What We Practice
The Episcopal Church of the Cross follows the Way of Love. As Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, has said “The Way of Jesus is the Way of Love, and the Way of Love can change the world.” The Way of Love is a set of seven spiritual practices by which we can stay in the path of God, and be taken along by God’s Spirit. It is a way we are overtaken by faith, and live our faith, seeking change not only in our own lives, but in the world. Come along, and join us in the Way of Love.
The seven practices of the Way of Love are:
- Turn: Turn … daily … and make the decision to follow Jesus.
- Learn: Dwell richly and regularly in the scriptures.
- Pray: Be intentional in regular time with God.
- Worship: Gather regularly with the community to praise, honor, and be fed by God.
- Bless: Share with others the grace we have received; live generously; live the servant’s life.
- Go: Go into the world to share the love of God though how you live, what you do, and who you say.
- Rest: Take regular time to rest quietly in the Lord.
For more on the Way of Love, please go to https://episcopalchurch.org/way-of-love.