What To Expect
Church of the Cross is a brand new people! We are grateful to a good God for giving us life. We are very new, and very excited about the future a good God has in store!
We invite you to worship with Church of the Cross sometime soon. We realize it’s not always very easy walking into a church community for the first time. We hope what’s here helps you to be at ease.
The worship of Church of the Cross
The worship of Church of the Cross is a blend of the traditional and contemporary. Our pattern of worship is one that reaches back 1,800 years. We begin with a greeting; some singing; and readings from the scriptures. We respond to the scriptures with a teaching and our prayers. And then, we share in the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is, for us, the central act of worship. We bring ourselves to the table, and receive the consecrated bread and wine to be nourished, comforted, and strengthened. At the same time, we do all these things in a spirit of simplicity, hospitality, and invitation; gratefully remembering that in worship, God asks not for a performance, and not for perfection, but for presence; for us simply to be present to the Lord.
We do all this according to the practices found in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Click here to view an on-line version of the Prayer Book.