Children's Ministry
At Church of The Cross
Our children’s ministries rest on three fundamental values:
- When it comes to the Christian formation of children, parents and families play a primary role. Children learn faith by watching and practicing with those they love. In our Sunday services, children are present with their families at the beginning of our worship service as we praise God together and at the end when we share in the Lord’s Supper together. We are experimenting with new ways to bring our entire congregation together in worship and in supporting our parents and families in this important work.
- We want to immerse our children in the great story of God’s love. In KidsQuest, our mid-service time for elementary – middle schoolers, we explore a small piece in the Great Story of the Bible. Each week we take a Bible story and retell it, engage with it, ask questions about it, and wonder with it. The Story of God’s love in our world is still being written, and we are each a part of it; in KidsQuest we begin to listen for how we are called to live into that ongoing Story.
- We value hospitality and care. Children are always welcome to remain with their families for the entirety of the service; there are activity bags and coloring pages prepared each week for anyone’s use. We also provide professionally-trained caregivers for our nursery and preschool-aged children, available through the entire service.
We always seek to live into these three values in all parts of our ministry with children and their families.
A prayer for children: Lord Jesus, you began as a child and called the children to come to you. We thank you for their playfulness and smiles; for the pleasure they take in simple things; for the way of their great trust. Grant us each the faith of a child, that we may truly inherit your kingdom. In your Name we pray. Amen.
KidsQuest and all aspects of the Children’s Ministry of Church of the Cross adhere to the practices and guidelines of the Safeguarding God’s Children ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
Please learn more about Safeguarding God’s Children ministry here.