Come along and help at the ECC!
There are many ways to serve with the ECC. We invite one another to consider some of the possibilities below, and let us know how you’d like to serve! Thank you!
Together, ECC is currently serving as follows:
Sunday Morning Ministries
In most cases, to serve in any of these ministries is to serve once a month. Scheduling is done monthly, and all participants have the option of indicating their availability for particular Sundays.
Altar Guild: The altar guild prepares the table for worship, and cares for the linens and eucharistic vessels between services.
Bread Provider: Bread providers ensure that we have fresh bread for our service of Holy Eucharist. Bread can be homemade or store bought.
Children’s Chapel Shepherd: Children’s Chapel Shepherds work with Mary Allen Smith, our Children’s and Youth Formation Minister, to help in Children’s Chapel. All Children’s Chapel Shepherds are certified in Safeguarding God’s Children. For information on Safeguarding God’s Children certification, please contact the church, at [email protected] or 512-261-4300.
Greeters/Ushers: Before worship, Greeters/Ushers welcome people as they enter the worship space and distribute bulletins. During the service, Greeters/Ushers receive the offering and present it to the table.
Readers/Prayer Leaders/Chalicers: Readers/Prayer Leaders/Chalicers read the scripture or lead the prayers in worship, and administer the chalice during communion.
Refreshment Provider: Refreshment providers make coffee and bring treats for after worship.
Set-Up: Set-up teams arrive early before worship to set up the space for worship and child-care, and then stay for a while after the conclusion of worship to pack the trailer. Some set-up team members also transport the trailer to our worship locations.
Ministries outside of Sunday morning
Mobile Loaves and Fishes: We take out a Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck to bring food and clothing to our most vulnerable neighbors on the first and third Tuesday of each month. We depart about 5:30 PM and return about 8:00 PM. Children accompanied by their parents are invited to go out on a Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck.
Prayer Team: We have a dedicated group of people who place before the Lord the prayer requests of the community. Requests are communicated through email, and participants include the prayer requests in their own prayers.
Care Team: Sometimes the most effective way to show our love for another is to bring them food during times of trial. Folks on the Care Team provide food or treats and a gentle word to a household in need. When the need arises, Care Team members are contacted about ministering to a household through your presence and a gracious offering.